Monday, 30 March 2015

Beer and Chocolate

It was now the turn of Ramsbottom RNLI Beer Festival at the civic hall.  The Chocolate festival was in town the same week, where the main street is closed and lined with stalls selling many different chocolate based produce.

We even had Marshmallow Unicorn Brownies.

The beer festival was reasonably busy until Saturday mid-afternoon, when there was a massive thunderstorm, interrupting the Sunny weather.  Instantly everybody dived into the Civic Hall, and started drinking beer.

By the time the music was finishing on Saturday night, there were only 12 beers left!

Sunday was a quiet countdown, 11 beers, 10 beers, 9, 8, 7...and the final beer ran out at about 2 O'Clock.

Due to the sellout, we managed to Raise a massive £3330 for the RNLI.

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