Monday, 26 March 2012

Heavy crimping

Friday afternoon, I managed to sneak a couple of hours down at the boat again.  I was determined to get the battery charging all sorted.
I am using the tinned thinwall cable from VWP, so even the 50mm stuff is manageable.  Quite a few heavy duty crimps, and a bit of heatshrink later, the huge 175A alternator is connected via the Sterling 210A alt-to-batt charger.

When the engine started, the charger springs into life.  This is a good step forward because now I know I can run the engine periodically, and get some charge into the batteries to keep them in shape.

A bit more light duty wiring, and the Smartgauge is connected, so the batteries can be monitored as well.

While the engine was running I took a stoll around the boat to see how noisy it was.  A beautiful murmouring tickover, I'm glad I spent the money on the hospital silencer.  Once the engine is shrouded, the boat will sound great.

 One hour less sleep on Sunday, and it seems to be summer.  It seems an age since last time I sat outside KRO having a pint in the sun while waiting for the train.

Two hours later, and the sun is just set over Putney Bridge.

I'm back to the Half moon again.  This time Jacquie McShee's Pentangle.

I haven't seen them for thirty years or so, and they sound great.

The half moon in Putney is a great venue, great atmosphere, but the Northerner in me is still irritated by the £3.50 a pint bit!

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Albion and Lancashire

Tuesday I went to see the Albion Band in Stevenage.  I was a bit shocked when they came on stage and not a sign of a grey hair!
This wasn't the Albion Band as such, but a completely new line-up, with some connections to the Original Albion band.  I still feel a bit cheated as, connection or no connection, they are still advertising as being someone they are not.
The music was good though, and Kat Gilmore on the fiddle was very good, but the whole atmosphere was ruined by some idiot banging away at a set of drums at the back.  He was OK when simply providing percussion support, but kept resuming his "rock-n-roll" bashing out a beat that was completely inappropriate to the style music.
Got to the boat for a couple of hours Friday Teatime - I can do this now it is lighter in the evenngs!
I connected up the engine electrics and starter battery and, holding my breath, turned the key.  The engine started immediately.  Phew!  It has been five months since I have had the engine running!
I fit the new Stirling Alternator to battery charger in place in the "electric box" so I will have some regulation from the massive 175A domestic alternator.  The Isolation transformer sits to the right, but I think I will re-enforce this as the isolation transformer is a lot heavier than I thought it would be.
I looked at the alternator, but I haven't got enough 50mm cable, so this will have to wait until next week when I get my next VWP order.

Scouser J has fit the woodburner during the week with a stainless chimney.  Now all I need to do is design the hearth and back to finish this corner.

I got back to Rammy and saw the Lancashire Sauce van, so took a picture for Mr Gilhespy.

 Sunday night and I called in at the half moon in Putney.  Since I was last here all the boardin gup has been removed and there is a superb large bar, serving four real ales and food, which I must try next time.

The Accoustic Gathering were on with a great mix of Lindisfarne tunes from Ray Jackson, with other songs from Doug Morter and Gerry Donahue.  Excellent evening.

Monday, 12 March 2012

To be, yes ok

I was down at Stratford-on-Avon for a couple of days during the week.
I had a wander down the Stratford canal from where it meets the Avon.  I' curious to who designed this handrail which disappears into the ground just when you need it to get down the slippery brick path!

Had a great curry in the "Thespian Tandoori" which sounds corny, but the food is great.  Dave Acorn decided to sleep this one out!

I was going to go and see Richard Digence in Darwen on Sunday with Lady P, but the gig was cancelled at the last minute.  I think Darwen Theatre book gigs, don't advertise them very well, then cancel them when they don't sell enough tickets.  I'm still waiting for my money back.

Monday, 5 March 2012

Wet in Yorkshire

It was the Festerers reunion weekend again, so off to the New in at Clapham for the weekend, and a beer or two.

I had a brand new pair of Trezeta's to try out, but the weather was bad for climbing mountains on the Saturday, so I took a walk down the canal at Skipton.
I realised that I had never walked down the Spring Branch, which goes behind the back of Skipton Castle.
The sign at the junction to the L&L has a max length of 35 feet, I don't know why. You will have to reverse out, as there is no turning point, but I don't see why longer vessels can't make it ?
True enough, the first boat I see is a widebeam working boat currently under a bit of restoration, called Kennet.  It looks about 60 feet!

The canal runs around the back of Skipton Castle, looming overhead, to a disused tramway, now the footpath.

This is where wagons used to tip stone 30 feet or so down to the waiting boats below, causing considerable damage no doubt.  According to the plaque, this practice was only stopped when the lord of the castle complained that it was making too much noise, and huge wooden chutes were installed.

Walking back into Skipton, you can see all the old canal warehouses have been turned into retail outlets

Further to the east, there are some quite unusual features on some of the canalside properties.  I don't know why these houses have rooms jutting out on the first floor.

By the time I had wandered west to the old brewery, the weather was improving,

Walking over, I decided to get on with my new hobby, Sitting by the side of the canal, drinking coffee and watching the world go by.  It isn't my most active of hobbies, but it is enjoyable!