Monday, 9 December 2013

Very naughty Shepherds

We saw the Bad Shepherds at the Grand in Clitheroe.  They were very good, but Ade was in great form when he threw the bouncers (on the left in the picture above) out for using his phone!.  It is the first time I have ever seen the bouncers thrown out of a gig, this will probably be on youtube by now!

In anticipation of Christmas, I have been stocking up on "stuff to do".  I now have a huge pile of marine ply, sealant for the wetroom, laminate flooring, laminate walling and laminate ceiling, plumbing bits, paint and all sorts of other clutter acting as a trip hazard at the front of the boat.  One day all this stuff will be stuck onto the boat, hopefully in the correct place.

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