Sunday, 20 October 2019

Achilles Last Stand - Part I

The cabin roof was too badly damaged, so we built a replacement.  First steel bars were notched, then bent and welded to form curved beams.  These were then welded to a sheet of steel, forcing it into a curve across the roof section

 Turning this over, slots were cut across the roof at intervals.  When welded up, these slots pulled the roof into a curve along its length forming a compound curved roof panel.
 A trial fit, a bit of a trim, then welded into place.
A couple of strips of "rivets" down each side, and the roof is on, with a very pleasing compound curve.

The trouble with twitter...

Twitter is a convenient way of posting messages, photos, or almost anything from wherever you are, from your phone.  No computer, little typing, formatting, etc.

The trouble is, this is so convenient that I don't seem to ever update the blog anymore...

In fact it has been over two years....

During which time lots have things have happened, and some things haven't happened.

Some things may have happened that I don't know about and some things may not have happened, but I haven;'t noticed yet.

Other than that it is now more than two years later.

However, even though I have been in a deep dark tunnel at some time over the last two years...

I will now try to resist the urge just to twit